When you want to advertise your inventory then Google give you multiple options to start with so for Ecommerce Google Shopping Ads are one of the main source of driving Conversions. So one has to setup feed then after setting up feed then it come to optimization phase. Today we talk about Feed Title.
Why we need to optimise Google Feed Title?
Google feed title is one of the main element for both Google bots and Google users. As Google bots will read feed title and show results accordingly or you can say they crawl content of Title and shows your ads against different combination of terms that are present in feed title. Maximum character limit of feed title is 150 characters so you have to input logically all the search terms as per product.
So for example if we write feed title of belt then we must write type of belt, color, size, material, gender etc although we do have these separate attributes in feed but In title it forces search engine to show most close relevant terms where our ads will appear