Conversions in Google Ads is mainly depend upon Business to Business. It varies from macro level to micro level. Conversion is basically completion of goal in a business.
There are Multiple Type of Conversions in Google Ads
A - Website Type Conversions
Sales Categories
1 -Purchase
2 - Add to Cart
3 - Begin Checkout
4 - Subscribe
Leads Categories
1 - Contact
2 - Submit Lead form
3 - Book Appointment
4 - Sign-up
5 - Request quote
6 - Get Directions
7 - Outbound Click
More Categories
1 - Page View
2 - Other
B - App Conversions
Track your app conversions:
1 - Google Analytics 4 properties (Firebase)
2 - Google Play
3 - Third-party app analytics
C - Phone Calls Conversions
Type of Phone Calls Conversions
1 - Calls from ads using call extensions or call-only ads
2 - Calls to a phone number on your website
3 - Clicks on your number on your mobile website
D - Offline Conversions
1 - Google Analytics (UA)
2 - Google Analytics 4 properties
3 - Third-party app analytics
4 - Salesforce
5 - Other data sources or CRMs